By Sophia Harris
News Editor
The members of SGA said their goodbyes to advisor Leah Mudd, addressed funding requests and discussed University closure policy at their Jan. 31 meeting.
Mudd delivered a teary goodbye to SGA at her last meeting.
She said, “I've really appreciated working with each and every single one of you.”
Mudd added, “I have really, really, really very much enjoyed all of my time at Framingham State. I really love being a Ram and I have loved being a part of the fRAMily.”
Mudd said she will be heading back home to Kentucky.
She said Gina Pacitto, student involvement administrative manager, will take over as advisor.
Paul James Pharmer, president of the Ski and Snowboard Club, attended the meeting in order to request $1,300 for a trip to Wachusett Mountain.
He said the funds will cover lift tickets for the day for members of the group.
The request was passed unopposed.
Student Trustee McKenzie Ward raised concerns about snow removal in parking lots and the University’s school closure policy.
She said as a commuter, she found it “inconsiderate” for the University to wait until after 3:00 p.m. to cancel 4:30 p.m. classes.
She said the McCarthy Parking Lot was “barely plowed” and the sidewalks “were not cleared off,” adding the sidewalks were also not salted.
Ward said not only was the late closure inconsiderate to students, but not canceling school because of the snow was “inconsiderate to our staff, too, who are stuck teaching classes or because their office didn't close like some of the other offices on campus.”
President Dara Barros said in regard to moving her car in order for snow removal to take place, when asking University Police where to move her car, she felt “invalidated.”
Barros added, “No officer should make me cry to the point that the officer did.”
She said police officers who work at a University should be listening to students' needs.
“So just like in general, you are working at a state university that is supposed to be catering to students,” Barros said.
She said she has since filed a complaint against the officer as well as the dispatcher who was working that day.
Barros announced the resignation of Erin Gemme and will be assuming their position as diversity and inclusion officer.
Mudd announced the relaunching of the program Sustainable Solutions. She said this program will take place from February to April and will be available to students who are preparing for their job search.
She said the program has different components such as resumé critiques, mock interviews, an employer panel, and a career fair.
Mudd said once this program is completed, students who participated will receive a $100 Macy's gift card for professional wear.
She said the application for this program is on Ramlink.
Mudd said a change has been made to the name of student jobs recently.
She said jobs that fall under common leadership positions such as RAMs peer leader, orientation leaders, tour guides, and SEALs peer health educators will all fall under the new title of Rams peer leaders.
Mudd said applications are open for these positions as well as resident assistant positions.
Evelyn Campbell, outreach and events coordinator, said SGA and FSAB are cosponsoring Drag Bingo, which will take place on Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Dwight Hall Performing Arts Center.
Yumi Park-Huntington, chair of the Arts & Ideas Series, attended the SGA meeting to advocate for the need for student submissions to Arts & Ideas.
Additionally, she wanted to highlight two events Arts & Ideas will be hosting along with many other events this semester.
Daryl Christopher, an artist and designer, will be hosting the first event, a humanity, design, and happiness workshop on Feb. 23 at 4:30 p.m. in the McCarthy Center Alumni Room.
Park-Huntington said a book discussion will be held on March 8 at 10:30 a.m. with Barbara Amaya, the author of “Nobody’s Girl,” in the McCarthy Center Alumni Room.
The “U-Rock” award was presented from Barros to Senator Liv West.
Barros said, “I really want to give it to Liv because you have been doing an amazing job being a senator on SGA and also showing interest more and more every day.”