Mackenzie Ward
Staff Writer
Next Tuesday, Mar. 3 is the Massachusetts Primary for the 2020 presidential election.
Massachusetts will be one of the 14 states participating in super Tuesday – the day when the most states in the country hold their primaries at once.
Presidential primary elections and caucuses are used to elect the nominee of both the Democratic and Republican parties for the general election, which occurs on the Erst Tuesday of November.
Although this election is extremely important, as it provides voters a chance to choose between possible presidential candidates, voter turnout is often extremely low.
In 2016, only 43.62% of registered voters in Massachusetts voted in the presidential Primaries and during 2012, only 12.88% of registered voters in Massachusetts voted, according to the Secretary of the Commonwealth Bill Galvin’s website.
During the 2016 general election, 75% of Massachusetts registered voters voted in the general presidential election, according to the website. However, only about 61.4% of the total number of registered voters in the United States voted in the general election, according to the United States Census Bureau.
The drastic difference in voter turnout between the primary election and the general election is worrying for individuals like myself, who highly value voting and consider it to be our most important civic duty, as it truly determines our futures.
It is hard to know there are thousands of individuals willing to give up their chance to choose the possible presidential candidate by choosing simply not to vote.
Voting is about more than just politics. It is about our future.
I have seen many people claim their vote doesn’t count. However, each vote contributes to change. Each vote shows passion for changes United States citizens desire to see for country. Every election counts, just as every vote counts, which is why voting this Tuesday is crucial.
What many voters may fail to realize is voting in the primaries is equally as important as voting in the general election, as the primaries essentially decide who are the main candidates. By not voting, citizens are giving up their voice to help decide whom receives the prestige of being the official candidate for either of the parties. Also, by not voting, you allow others to decide what you want for a future for the United States.
On this upcoming Tuesday, it is incredibly important to take the time out of your day to vote, or if you can’t vote on Tuesday, make sure to send in your absentee ballot in order for your town to receive it before 12 p.m. Monday, March 2.
Although your vote may be one of thousands, it represents you and your values.
Many registered voters will not vote, but just as many of them will complain.
Your vote is your voice – use it.