Josiah Bedrosian/THE GATEPOST
By Alexandra Gomes
The Alumni Association is raising money to design and build a ram statue for Framingham State, according to Nicole L’Heureux, ’15.
She announced the plan for the statue at the Alumni Association’s meeting Friday, Sept. 18 during Homecoming weekend.
She encouraged the board to wear “Where is the Ram” buttons to Homecoming events. “We really want to get people talking about it. ... We’re really trying to get those last – I think ten thousand dollars left to get this construction underway.
“It’s going to be this wonderful sculpture of a ram to really signify the pride of Framingham State.”
Gustafson added that the ram statue is one of the choices on Framingham State’s giving website. “There’s multiple choices there of what you can give to, so you just select the ram project and designate your gift there.”
He said the location for the ram statue has not yet been determined. “One of the options we’re looking at right now is across from the athletic center entrance. ... There’s also the walkway that comes up past May Hall, up to Dwight Hall. That’s being looked at. There’s also all the new landscaping now behind the Hemenway addition – we’re looking at that as well. Those are the three probably most likely locations.”
He described the statue as “a big sculpture. It’s going to be on these big granite, almost like blocks. It’s going to be beautiful.”
Gustafson said it will be about a year until the sculpture’s installation.
He added, “We need to raise between $65,000 and $75,000 depending on where it goes. There’s different site work that needs to be done depending on which site it goes to.”
Gustafson said there will be a plaque on the base of the sculpture to recognize the donors. “Any donor who gives a thousand dollars or more to the sculpture gets their name on the bronze plaque.”
The sculptor who has been hired, according to Gustafson, has worked on sculptures for Salem State, Bridgewater State, and Florida State. “He does amazing work, so this is going to be spectacular.”
Pamela Edrehi, ‘73, criticized the lack of Homecoming advertising on Framingham State’s new website. “I was very disappointed when I went to the website – and I know the main reason [for the website] is for the prospective student. However, there was nothing about Homecoming anywhere.”
She added that it was difficult to and alumni on the website, and many Homecoming events were not publicized there.
Cevallos said FSU is relaunching a new website, which can be “incredibly complicated and complex.”
He added, “Anything that you and that is not working, please let us know because we want to ax those things.”
Juan Rodriguez, ‘78, addressed extending invitations to diVerent departments in the university to give them updates because many alumni feel connected to the school through departments.
Gustafson said there would be an alumni meeting in Kentucky on Sept. 25, 2015. While there isn’t a large number of alumni in Kentucky, he said, “It will be nice to engage them and for them to get to know each other.” Another gathering will take place in Austin, Texas, where Cevallos will be present for a conference.
Cevallos said whenever he has to travel for a conference or event, the Alumni Association should “take advantage of that and piggyback those activities” to meet with more alumni.
Gustafson announced there will be a Boston Holiday Reception on Dec. 3, 2015. “For those of you who made it last year, you know it’s a fantastic event. We had a hundred alumni from the greater Boston area. ... We’re moving to a better venue this year, so I think we’re going to have a bigger crowd.”
Gustafson added there will be a Met and Married reception on Feb. 4, 2016. “This is for all of our alumni couples, which we have a ton of. ... That’s something new we’re trying this year, but I think it’s going to be a huge hit.”
Eric Gustafson, executive director of development and alumni relations, discussed Homecoming and booths that still needed volunteers.
The association passed a motion which approved Patrick O’Connor, a sophomore chemistry major, and Cass Tenens, a junior communication arts major, as new members of the alumni association board.
President F. Javier Cevallos said, “It’s so great to have students on the board because they can really bring the student perspective of what is going on.”