The Gatepost News Staff
By Donald Halsing, News Editor
By Kathleen Moore, Design Editor
MA population: United States Census Bureau – QuickFacts Massachusetts
US and World population: United States Census Bureau – US and World Population Clock
MA data: WCVB
US data: CDC, New York Times
Recovery data: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
World data: WHO, Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
Data is last checked at 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday before publication
The rate of new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. has slowed since last week, and recovery rates continue to rise as of 4 p.m. April 9.
In Massachusetts, the number of cases climbed from around 19,000 to over 32,000.
Compared to last week’s doubling of cases, the infection rate of COVID-19 has slowed.
Middlesex and Suffolk counties still have the greatest number of cases among Massachusetts counties, climbing from about 4,000 cases last week to around 7,000 in both counties this week.
The total number of cases remain less than 0.5% of the state population. Less than 4% of those who contracted the virus have died.
In the United States, over 650,000 cases of COVID-19 were reported, up from 450,000 last week.
Compared to last week’s doubling of cases, the virus’ infection rate in the U.S. has slowed.
New York state continues to have the most cases by far of any state, with over 220,000 reported.
The total number of cases remain around 0.2% of the national population.
Across the country, 4.6% of those who had the disease have died, and 8.2% have recovered.
Globally, over 2 million people have COVID-19. This number is only up about half a million since last week, when about 1.5 people had the virus.
Only 0.03% of the world population has contracted COVID-19 so far.
The United States has the greatest number of cases, with over 650,000. Spain and Italy still top the charts in terms of cases, with 180,000 and 170,000 respectively. China – where the virus originated – is not on the top five list globally.
The Gatepost will continue to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and publish a weekly analysis of the latest data.
Worldwide, 6.7% of people who contracted the disease have died. 25% of those who were infected have recovered.