By Izayah Morgan Opinions Editor The 47th President Donald Trump has been making waves for his decisions since his presidency was certified and he took office on Jan. 20. His executive orders have been controversial to say the least. This includes stopping refugee arrivals, redefining birthright citizenship, and repealing some of the actions President Joe Biden took for climate change. A lot of these executive orders have created fear in some of these affected groups, such as the worry of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deporting undocumented citizens. It is so bad in fact that I have seen multiple posts on social media guiding people on how to handle dealing with ICE if they approach you. Even my hometown of Springfield - which is home to many immigrants - has ICE patrolling around. Even I, as a student who comes from a lower socioeconomic class, saw Trump's executive order to freeze federal funding as a personal attack. For me and many other students it was scary, as many of us need grants or loans to attend university. Even at Framingham State University - which is a much more affordable university than most - each semester is still about $17,000 after aid for an in-state resident student. Education is expensive, especially for the Americans who were not born into a family where one or both of their parents went to college. Part of me was scared for members of my family who rely on government-funded programs to make ends meet every month. As much as I want to shout at the top of my lungs, “I long for this madness to stop,” it won't stop without action on everyone's part. During this previous election between Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump, I found myself disappointed with the results. And those around me, especially women, felt even more so defeated. Of course my first reaction was to isolate and deal with my emotions and process what had just happened on my own. That worked for a little but eventually I went out of my own little bubble and listened to those around me. And I found myself surprised in others' resilience to what is going on. Not because they don't care but because in fact they care too much. They still post information that helps others, show up to spaces they are not welcomed in, and protest against the things the Trump administration is doing. The Trump administration is likely doing a common political strategy to overwhelm the public by trying to pass laws that would seem extreme even to some leaning on one side politically - right or left - then proceeding to try to pass laws that seem more “moderate” compared to those they tried before. It is an attempt to drain what little fire we had burning still in our hearts. We have time to lick our wounds. However, life doesn't wait for you to get comfortable and time is not on our side. The time for sorrow is over, and the time for action is now. And it all starts in the home. Your close friends and family - protect them and educate them. Then spend your time in the community, whether it be at a soup kitchen, or spending your time as a mentor to a person younger than you. Everyone remembers the impact you left on them.