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SGA appoints Calvin Ridley head of Gender-Inclusion Ad Hoc Committee

Josiah Bedrosian/THE GATEPOST

Jackie Carlson and Brian Leonard were among the student representatives at the weekly SGA meeting.

By Mark Wadland

Members of the Student Government Association appointed senior Calvin Ridley as head of the Gender- Inclusion Ad Hoc Committee for the second year in a row at Tuesday night’s meeting in the McCarthy Center’s Alumni Room.

According to Dan Costello, president of SGA, Ridley’s first year as leader of the committee was a success, and the committee will continue to run for at least one more year.

This year, the committee hopes to receive approval for a third unisex bathroom to increase “the safety and comfort of future students, faculty and staff at Framingham State University,” according to a letter written by Ridley and Costello, president of SGA.

SGA unanimously endorsed the letter. It will be sent to the President’s Council, a six-member panel that will determine whether another unisex bathroom could be installed on campus. This might be difficult, however, because Massachusetts has very strict plumbing codes, which Ridley and Costello acknowledged in their letter.

Ridley invited ideas and suggestions from anyone on campus regarding potential locations for another gender-inclusive bathroom.

SGA will meet next Tuesday, Sept. 22 in the Alumni Room at 7:00 p.m.

In other news:

• Three members of SGA were sworn in as Senators

• The Constitution Committee meets each Wednesday at 6:30 in the SGA Conference Room

• The Finance Committee will meet Monday, Sept. 21 at 6:30 in the SGA Conference Room

• Homecoming is this weekend – there will be a pep rally Friday night in the Athletic Center at 7:30.

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