By Leighah Beausoleil
Asst. News Editor
By Dan Fuentes
Staff Writer
Six funding requests and changes to the SGA constitution were approved during its meeting March 3.
The Onyx art and literary magazine requested funding for the printing of this semester’s issue and its launch party.
The funded items include stickers, refreshments for the party, decorations, and between 200 and 250 printed copies of the magazine, according to Olivia Banks, Onyx president.
The Onyx was approved for the full amount of $2,350.
The Students of Caribbean Ancestry (SOCA) requested $2,100.43 to fund their Caribbean themed carnival party.
The funded amount will pay for the cost of the DJ, decorations, and lighting rentals.
Jennae Herbert, president of SOCA, told SGA that carnival time “is a cultural celebration – a historical celebration – that is important to us because it signifies emancipation and freedom.
“It is celebrated every year within the Caribbean communities, and we wanted to have a party to help celebrate and signify that for students who wanted to participate in those activities on campus,” she added.
SOCA’s request was approved for the full amount.
Black Student Union (BSU) requested a funding amount of $1,347.40 for their Culture Show.
The total amount will go to pay for flags, water bottles, performers, prizes, shirts, and a backdrop for pictures and future events.
Danielle Shaw, SGA outreach and events coordinator, proposed amending the request to only allow FSU students to receive water bottles due to SGA bylaws.
BSU agreed to the amendment, and the request was approved for the full amount.
M.I.S.S. presented three different funding requests for their M.I.S.S. Madness week.
The first request was for Cirque Du M.I.S.S., a circus-themed event that will be replacing the club’s annual carnival.
M.I.S.S. requested $11,441.21 for Sodexo catering, SilverScreen design for new merchandise, a DJ, and supplies from Amazon.
Mariah Farris, SGA senator and vice president of M.I.S.S., said, “I know there are four items and that’s a few more than average, but we got an extremely good deal, so it’s 100 to 150 of each item.”
“We haven’t had merch at all since September 2018 because we have been able to stretch our merch and be able to make what we have last,” she said.
The amount requested was approved in full.
The second M.I.S.S. funding request of $1,386.50 was for its dodgeball tournament.
The funding includes the purchasing of food – including hamburgers and hot dogs – supplies and prizes from Amazon.
According to M.I.S.S. members, there is a sign-up page on Ramlink. There are six teams of six people with one being the team leader.
This amount was also approved in full.
The last funding request was for their new “Wild ‘n Out” event for a total of $114.47.
The funding includes the purchasing of buzzers and T-shirts from Amazon.
The third and final M.I.S.S. funding request was approved in full.
SGA Vice President Abigail Salvucci and SGA President Matty Bennet presented new amendments to the SGA constitution to be approved for the 2020-21 academic year.
These amendments were all approved.
Of those amendments the most notable include the removal of the publicist and recruitment
Salvucci said after much discussion, she and Bennet decided to remove the position due to insufficient tasks to give to the appointed member.
The position’s tasks will now be divided between the secretary and president.
They also presented a new position for their eBoard, a diversity and inclusion officer.
The position entails coordinating one event per semester, working with affinity groups, student organizations on campus, and meeting with other members of FSU faculty and staff to discuss diversity.
Bennet said, “It’s an eBoard position that I think is long overdue for student government. I worked really closely with Connie to draft this position because I wanted input from her. This is her wheelhouse.”
Connie Cabello is the vice president for diversity, inclusion, and community engagement.
Ewnie Fedna was appointed by SGA members as a new senator-at-large.
The “U-Rock” award was presented to Salvucci.