By Naidelly Coelho
Asst. News Editor
SGA members discussed women’s safety on campus and Athletic Center issues at its Feb. 14 meeting.
President Dara Barros said an anonymous person came to SGA regarding safety in the aerobics room in the Athletic Center.
She said someone “just invaded the space and took over it and they didn't feel welcome and safe anymore.”
Barros said she experienced something similar with the basketball team.
She added from her past experiences, people come in with loud music and completely disregard the rules. She said it’s unfair to other students.
Senator Liv West said a student came up to her and said they had a negative encounter with the FSU Police Department.
The student tried getting information and guidance from the University Police concerning how to determine whether they had been assaulted by a former partner, West said.
She said the student felt disregarded and dismissed by University Police.
West said that someone else expressed their concern about Larned Hall. She said there is someone there assaulting women and that University Police have done nothing so far.
“She just said there were no consequences for this person because of a lack of evidence and I just didn't know what to do because I feel that other women's safety is being violated and as a woman, I just wonder what will happen in the future,” she said.
Barros said Title IX and the Counseling Center are great resources that will lead students to the right people. They are confidential and will advocate for students.
She added that SHAPE is a great resource for students that is designed to serve as a source of information for prevention of and education about sexual harassment, sexual violence, and relationship violence.
A member of The Gatepost came to SGA and expressed their concern that the College Media Association (CMA) conference is open to all Gatepost members, but not everyone gets to go, Barros said.
“I think that is something that we need to look into - to make sure that every Gatepost member got the same chance and opportunity to go to the conference this year,” she said.
Sam Houle, SATF treasurer, said SGA was “great” at advocating for students at the Big Budget meeting that happened Feb. 11.
Houle said he received five funding requests since that meeting.
Evelyn Campbell, outreach and events coordinator, highlighted some upcoming events on campus.
Drag Queen Bingo is happening Feb. 28, and she encouraged all SGA members to come help and support the event.
She said the SGA Banquet night will be April 19 at 7 p.m. and she is talking to Sara Gallegos, executive director of Student Experience and Careers, about awards and the next steps to be taken.
Advisor Leah Mudd said if anyone is interested in being a RAM peer leader to help during orientation and campus tours, they can apply on RamLink.
Career Development’s Suitable Solutions Professional Program prepares students for professional life and they will also get a $100 gift card from Macy’s to spend on professional clothing, she said.
There were two new senators sworn into SGA - Joseph Antonio and Kyle Walker.
Antonio said he used to be a counselor assistant in high school and his main goal is to be the voice for people who are not heard and an advocate for students.
Walker said he wants to be more involved on campus and SGA is a great opportunity for that.
West awarded the “U Rock” to Raffi Elkhoury, vice president, for making everyone feel very welcomed at SGA.
“Every time I've seen him, he just has a smile on his face, and he's just ready to work,” she said. “He's very hard working and he puts a lot of effort into making sure our meetings run smoothly. So, I know I appreciate that, and I'm sure everyone else does.”