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SGA discusses electric car chargers in campus parking lots

Lauren Hapcook

Lauren Hapcook

SGA discussed technical di1culties on campus during its weekly meeting on Nov. 7.

During Open Forum, Parliamentarian Olivia Beverlie raised concerns about the electric car chargers that will be installed on campus by Electrify America.

Beverlie said, “Personally, I kind of have an issue with this. We already have a huge parking issue on campus, and we try to address it all the time.”

Beverlie added, “I do not see that as a good use for our parking lot, considering students brought up concerns of how we need more parking spaces on campus.”

She said, “I was wondering if we could try to address it with the faculty.”

Also during Open Forum, Senator Lexi Dello Iacono expressed concern about an “awful screeching noise” while trying to play audio in one of the classrooms in May Hall.

Dello Iacono said IT has yet to respond to emails sent by professors who teach classes in room 112B.

Social Events Coordinator Matt O’Sullivan said there is a projector in May 117 that does not work sometimes and it is “hard to have class when you’re trying to rely on technology and it is never fixed.”

Later in the meeting, SGA entertained a funding request from Brother2Brother (B2B).

The president of B2B, Orlando Osorio, requested $853 for windbreakers. However, since six of the windbreakers would be customized for eBoard members, senators stipulated the money for those jackets would need to come from the club’s own account.

This dropped their overall funding request to $650, which SGA allocated.

Osorio said the windbreakers will be first come, first serve. “I feel like they have an important message to spread,” added Osorio. The windbreakers will be given out at the next B2B event.

Next, the Art Club requested $18,839 for their annual two-night trip to New York. During the trip, they visit the Armory Show, an art fair and gallery.

Due to a new policy enforced by SILD, each overnight student trip must include accommodations that provide a bed for every student. Students can no longer share beds.

This is the first year the club is running this trip with the new policy in place and the requirement has doubled the cost, despite the club choosing the least expensive hotel available.

SGA has funded this event in the past, but the price was usually under $12,000. The Art Club did not sell all the tickets for this trip last year. The tickets will be sold for $75.00.

SGA senators were concerned about the cost of the trip.

Art Club President Kayla Otten said, “There is only so much we can do when our cost doubles. Not many clubs do overnight trips, and this new policy should not take away the students’ experiences or opportunities.”

The trip was intended to be three days and two nights. However, due to financial concerns, SGA only agreed to fund a one-night trip, the overall cost of which was $12,713.

“Two nights would make a lot more sense,” said Art Club Treasurer Rinat Natanel. “We would really like to have the experience art students did in the past.”

The Equestrian Club requested $872.62 for sweatshirt blankets.

These “snuggies,” as the club’s written proposal referred to them, would feature the new Equestrian Club logo and be handed out on the trail ride to Bobby’s Ranch.

In the club’s written funding request, President Matt Banks said, “I remembered a video I saw on social media about a sweatshirt that’s so big, it’s basically a blanket. I thought this could be an interesting idea.”

During the meeting, Banks said if there were any left over from the trail ride, “We can use them as table decorations, like a tablecloth.”

SGA denied the request.

In other news:

Class and Club Senator Allie Flood presented the U-Rock Award to Beverlie.

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