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SGA to fund security guards for Culture Show After Party

Michael B. Murphy

By Michael B. Murphy

Assistant News Editor

On Tuesday, April 9, FSU’s Black Student Union came before SGA to request $3,601.96 in SGA unallocated funds for its Culture Show After Party.

BSU had originally requested $3,950 for 30 security officers from Wizard Security but when the location for the after party changed from the old gym to the Forum, BSU only needed 10 security guards which would cost $1,850.

BSU Secretary Arylana Dalce-Bowie said the event would have “metal-detectors and a couple other pieces of equipment in order to search people who are coming in.”

The funding BSU received will also pay for two DJs, wristbands, posters and four University Police officers who will provide police detail at the event.

Dalce-Bowie said Club Coordinator Angel Seto requested BSU obtain stanchions for crowd-control.

“Angel requested that because she saw that last time [there was an event] there were a couple of people who were sneaking in. It’s easier to have [stanchions] than having to try and barricade the event with tables,” Dalce-Bowie said.

The event will cost $3 for FSU students and $10 for outside students.

HRAC returned to SGA this week to request funding for its “Playing for Change” event – a request that was tabled last week due to there being several unanswered questions regarding the event.

When asked why HRAC had not requested money for tables at the event, SGA’s Publicity Chair Samantha Boland explained, “There is nothing going on in North Hall that day, North Hall Commons, so we blocked off the day so [HRAC] could have two tables for the event.”

HRAC received its requested $1,198 in SGA’s unallocated funds for T-shirts, stickers and posters that will advertise “Playing for Change.”

In other news:

  • SGA requested and received $3,063 from SGA’s General Fund to purchase two new Mac laptops for their office.

  • There will be a Diversity workshop on April 24. Students can stop by for food and prizes as well as discuss racial and age diversity.

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