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The Gatepost Editorial: FSU community should think green

Updated: Aug 19, 2022

The Gatepost Editorial Board

It’s no secret that in the past few months, the Trump administration has issued several executive orders designed to hamper the environmental initiatives of the previous administration.

In January, Trump called for a temporary freeze of all contracts and grants being processed through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and during his campaign, he promised to remove the United States from the Paris Agreement – a world-wide pact among countries designed to fight global climate change.

In honor of Earth Day, we at The Gatepost would like to offer a few simple practices FSU students, faculty and administrators can adopt to contribute to global sustainability.

Despite our current government’s attitude toward the environment, it’s important that members of the FSU community do their part to support green initiatives and be cognizant about implementing more eco-friendly practices in their day-to-day lives.

While the University has worked to become more environmentally conscious by holding a climate teach-in and establishing a comprehensive Climate Action Plan, some of that work may be squandered if students and faculty don’t actively do their part by adhering to certain sustainability standards.

Some of these standards are as simple as turning oL a light switch. Students and faculty should always remember to turn oL the lights in their dorms and offices before leaving.

While trash isn’t seen in abundance around the campus’ general common areas, such as outside May Hall and the McCarthy Center, there is a fair amount of it behind many of the residence halls.

Approximately 1,900 residents call FSU home. We urge them to dispose of their trash properly, and utilize the many of eco-friendly trash receptacles on campus.

Additionally, students should pay attention to how much food they waste in the dining commons. Food waste doesn’t only negatively affect Earth’s climate, but it’s also harmful to global food security.

It would do us all some good to reflect on some sage words from the founder of Earth Day, the late Wisconsin governor Gaylord Nelson.

“The objective is an environment of decency, quality and mutual respect for all other human beings and all other living creatures.”

It would be wise of the FSU community to take these words to heart.

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