By Nick Murphy
Introducing Pumpkin, junior Catherine Mace’s show-stealing Chihuahua-Yorkie mix.
The Maces stumbled upon Pumpkin while browsing for dogs online. While they planned to visit a group of puppies, Pumpkin stood out of the patch. “Once my mom held Pumpkin, she couldn’t say no. She didn’t even tell my dad we were getting her, she just brought her home,” Mace said.
After seeing her burnt orange coat and dark amber eyes, it’s no surprise that the Maces settled on the name Pumpkin. However, the name Bambi was also considered, because whenever Pumpkin walks, “She prances around like a little deer,” she said.
According to Mace, when Pumpkin was first brought home she was quiet. However, it didn’t take much time for Pumpkin to find her voice, and before long she was bellowing and barking to her heart’s content. Looks like the Spice Girls may have a new member before long.
As fitting as Pumpkin Spice would be, the up and coming pup-star would much rather have the spotlight all to herself. “She loves to be the center of attention, and when she doesn’t have our attention, she’ll let out this low-pitched woof until she’s noticed,” Mace said.
“If you start petting her in the wrong spot, she’ll gradually push your hand down with her paws until you give her a belly rub,” Mace added.
When she isn’t crooning for affection, Pumpkin loves playing outside, specifically with her favorite soccer ball toy. Despite being nearly the same size as her go-to toy, Pumpkin strolls around with it in her mouth with ease.
Of course, every star has their fans and Pumpkin is no exception. According to Mace, Pumpkin’s biggest fan is their neighbor’s dog, a five-pound fluff ball named Tess. “Tess loves to chase after Pumpkin while she’s chasing her ball. They both get along so well.”
When Pumpkin is done entertaining her personal puparazzi, it’s time to eat. However, there is no eating in solitude for Pumpkin, she needs her spectators. “She doesn’t like to eat alone. ... She’ll grab a couple pieces of kibble, hold them in her mouth, trot up to you and then eat her food once she’s got your attention,” Mace said.
After a long day, Pumpkin enjoys catching up on her beauty sleep in a nest of blankets on the end of Mace’s bed. Occasionally, she’ll even try to nudge her way under the covers before dozing off.
It’s plain to see, the Maces picked the perfect Pumpkin.