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SGA hold last meeting of the semester

Dan Fuentes

Dan Fuentes

Staff Writer

SGA met to discuss faculty initiatives and officer reports at its meeting April 27.

Mirari Elcoro, professor of psychology and director of faculty mentoring, said, “One of the things that I feel there is a need to refine conversations between students and faculty.”

She added, “About a month ago, we had a mentoring session with some of the newer faculty, but also student groups to talk to each other and see what our student groups are wanting to do, and maybe faculty can help.”

Elcoro said she spoke to student leaders on campus, including Malik Martin, Madison Bruno, and Phoenix Harris, to “talk to us about their experiences in leadership positions.”

She added, “New faculty and newer students of Framingham State are not that different. We’re all getting to know Framingham State and we all need to perhaps talk to each other more.”

Cara Pina, professor of biology, said, “We are trying to find ways to make sure that faculty know which organizations are on campus, what students are involved in, how they can connect, if there are things that would be helpful, and also how students can find faculty.”

Pina added, “Another initiative that I am working on is an organization that is trying to focus on

diversifying STEM – supporting diverse voices and people who are trying to get through STEM.”

In her final President’s Report, Olivia Beverlie thanked everyone for everything they’ve done this year.

In her last report as Student Trustee, McKenzie Ward said the last Board of Trustees meeting is in two weeks.

In the Student Advisory Council update, Senator Mark Haskell spoke to the current state of the “Student Bill of Rights Framework.”

Haskell said, “It included shared governance, more disability services, equitable access and affordability to public higher ed, access to courses with continued assistance, as well as Financial aid and various other very important things such as accessibility to open resources.”

He added, “Advocacy for victims is a deep necessity, as well as the continued advocacy for veterans, an ombudsman, and there should be an evaluation of student/police relations.”

In their final Vice President’s Report, Abigail Salvucci said to the group, “You all did an amazing job, and you really invested yourself in this work.”

She added, “You guys are going to keep holding FSU accountable, and keep fighting for the students.”

In the Secretary’s Report, Lexi Kays told senators that the election results were in, and that everyone will be sworn in at the banquet.

In her Student Activities Trust Fund (SATF) Treasurer’s Report, Ewnie Fedna said she has all of the transition reports and just needs “a good place to store them for future eBoards.”

In the Outreach and Events Coordinator’s Report, Mariah Farris congratulated everyone for surviving a year on Zoom, and the new eBoard members for getting elected.

In her Diversity and Inclusion Officer’s Report, Paola Bilbraut thanked everybody for their support throughout this year, and congratulated the seniors.

[Editor’s Note: McKenzie Ward is Opinions Editor for The Gatepost.]


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